Tuesday, May 5, 2020

St. Anthony School

After my parents and I discovered that the Shelton School would not be a viable option. They started searching for new schools to fix my profile. We visited the St. Anthony school in 2007, it seemed like it would be a good fit for me. I remembered they even had a Karate class on Wednesdays. The school probably had 40 or so students in the entire student body. It was also a peculiar experience having gym class on a carpeted floor, risking rug burn every time you fell.   

The teachers at the school were definitely a step up from those of Shelton but not even close in comparison to the teachers I would have at Winston. It was not long until I dreaded going to school everyday. I, for the most part, didn't have any friends at that school to associate with. Also the classroom was solitary and depressing. Everyone's desk was pushed up against and facing a wall and there was for the most part no socializing in the classroom or much outside of it. I couldn't really say that there was a single class that I enjoyed.

As a struggled during my time at St. Anthony, I would always go get something to eat after school. Whenever my dad picked my up from school we would go get fast food or something to make me feel better. We would usually go to McDonald's and get a shake but some days it may be a snow cone or a slur-pee. Unfortunately, my unhealthy habit would continue for the next couple years. Only when I found Winston did school become enjoyable again.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

4th Grade Tragedy

My first fourth grade year in late May. The year was almost over and I was excited for summer break. It was either the last day of school or one of the last days of school. I remember being so happy to be moving up to the 5th grade. This was near the end of the day and I remember getting called into Mrs. Evan's office and sitting down after she told me she had something to say. I didn't have a good feeling about what was about to be said.

She explained to me that I was going to repeat the 4th grade because they thought it was best for me. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. It made me mad but of course sad because I felt no reason to be repeated a grade; it made me believe that I had failed in some way. I was sad about my situation and I was angry at the adults the insisted that I needed to repeat a grade. When I talked to my parents about this I remember being mad that I was not told by them but by Mrs. Evans instead. They also didn't have the presence of mind to talk to me about it first before making a decision. I didn't want to leave my classmates that I was with and didn't have to start over again and make new friends. That is what was probably the scariest scenario that I had to face.

The impact of what happened left repercussions for many years. I was unable to trust myself in life and often fell back on the opinions of others. This was because I believed I wasn't smart enough and wouldn't do anything right or get the correct answer when I was working. There was a long period of time that I was resentful of my parents but I eventually learned to move forward. I found a new friend base in my grade who I am certain will become life long friends.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The National Honor Society

When it came time in February to apply for Honor Society sophomore year, my parents tried time and time again to convince me to apply. I was always skeptical about the National Honor Society because I believed that I was not intelligent enough and that the process would only be a waste of my time. My dad told me "whats the hurt in applying, it will look good on a resume." I still refused and my parents and I argued about it for a while and told them that I didn't want to apply and ended up missing the deadline and that was that.

The next year came around and another February with the same discussion. Naturally because I had no interest I didn't tell my parents about the application deadline. That only lasted so long until my parents got an email about the application and the same discussion occurred. We talked about it and eventually I gave in to their pleading for me to apply. I filled out the application as best I could and found my references. After that I turned it in to Mr. Cornell, the school's chapter head, and went about my business greatly believing that I wouldn't be accepted. 

It was not until a couple weeks later that I was in class when I got called down to the front office. I what unsure what it was about and why I got called out of class along with several other students. We were all given envelops and inside them was a letter from Mrs. Evans. The letter was my formal acceptance into the National Honor Society. I was over come with joy when I found out. For so long my learning difference had me believing that I wasn't good enough or smart enough. Because of this I realized that I was smarter and more intelligent than I gave myself credit for. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Shelton School (Worst School Ever)

One of my most traumatic experiences was at the Shelton School. My parents were looking at schools that would be a good fit for me. going into the first grade. I was at a summer program at the school and remember being nervous about the experience. I missed my mother and was looking for someone to give me a comporting response. No teacher or member of the staff was sympathetic towards me or comforting. I especially recall getting yelled at by one of the teachers solely because I sad and just wanted a hug. That teacher showed no concern pertaining to how I felt. How I felt was never taken into consideration at Shelton.

I remember coming home that afternoon and telling my parents what had happened. Thankfully they were concerned when I told them what happened and they looked into what had occurred. After that I never returned to Shelton and obviously dislike the school to this day. I was 5 at the time and it still shocks me that they treated me how they did with no compassion what so ever. What is the worst part about it all in my opinion has to be how a specialized school for children with learning differences could be so unaccommodating and cold. Children with learning disabilities need extra care and consideration but that school obviously had none.  

This is besides the point but the school didn't feel like a school. The campus was big and intimidating with long, wide hallways. For starter the outside looks like a basketball coliseum with simple yellow brick, no to mention I'm not sure if the main building even had any windows. It sounds weird but because the campus was so big it almost made me believe that learning there would be more complicated and complex. It felt more like the Galleria Mall than it did a school.  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Introduction to Life Learned Differently

This is the story of my life with learning differences. It encapsulates the last 13 years of my life and will show you what my journey has looked like. My life has been made up of many struggles with a great majority of them stemming from my learning disabilities. Over these several stories I will describe to you the good times, when things where looking up and going right, but also when times where tough and I felt quitting was the best option. Hopefully I can share to you what it has been like being raised and living with learning differences in the next couple of stories I will share.

I greatly hope that you will really be able to put yourself in the drivers seat and get a first person perspective of what a learning difference can do to a person. That being said it can also be a gift in many ways. My friends and I who have grown up have had many struggles that is true. That being said, a learning difference is a gift, it is what makes me creative and unique. Because I learn differently I also think differently; this means thinking creatively or "outside of the box." Despite all of the difficulties I have overcome and am better because of it.