Monday, April 27, 2020

Introduction to Life Learned Differently

This is the story of my life with learning differences. It encapsulates the last 13 years of my life and will show you what my journey has looked like. My life has been made up of many struggles with a great majority of them stemming from my learning disabilities. Over these several stories I will describe to you the good times, when things where looking up and going right, but also when times where tough and I felt quitting was the best option. Hopefully I can share to you what it has been like being raised and living with learning differences in the next couple of stories I will share.

I greatly hope that you will really be able to put yourself in the drivers seat and get a first person perspective of what a learning difference can do to a person. That being said it can also be a gift in many ways. My friends and I who have grown up have had many struggles that is true. That being said, a learning difference is a gift, it is what makes me creative and unique. Because I learn differently I also think differently; this means thinking creatively or "outside of the box." Despite all of the difficulties I have overcome and am better because of it.

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